LUSU Wellbeing Hub Header Image, colourful illustration of students


Your Students’ Union and the University are here to support you during this difficult time.

Find out more about Your Students’ Union and the University resources to support you with the rising Cost of Living.

We are here to help, so reach out if you are struggling.

Our Advice service an independent organisation who can provide free, non-judgemental and confidential support for any registered students at Lancaster University.

See below for the types of support we can provide:

Supper Club is back this term, in collaboration with the University – Supper Club offers you a free hot meal to get you through. It takes place every Thursday night of term in Marketplace – but places are limited and pre-registration is essential.

Grab your Supper Club entry card from the LUSU reception desk any time during office hours (10am-5pm), then head down to Marketplace between 5-7pm on Thursday. 

Find out more here.

LUSU Pantry is here to help Lancaster University students with free food and hygiene products, to help support you through the cost-of-living crisis.

Come to the Students’ Union Welcome Desk in Bowland Main to get what you need (while stocks last).

Renting can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! #RentSmart is a campaign run by your LUSU Wellbeing Officer, Ella Smith, aiming to help ease your renting journey. Check out our #RentSmart resources below!

Find out more here.